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  • Welcome to Seafood Trading
  • Seafood Trading, it´s a young company we work with an entrepreneurial spirit, in cooperation, respect and unity, to support the development of our society.

    We are committed to become the most efficient and recognized marketer of shrimp, fish and other seafood, raw and cooked, of the highest quality within the United States, through managing a talented and experienced sales force, capable of developing and integrate, lasting and effective business relationships of huge benefit to all stakeholders.

  • Mission
  • We are dedicated to the marketing of shrimp, fish and other seafood, raw and cooked, of the highest quality, certified with the mark from the origin, in strict compliance with international regulations, satisfying the most demanding application requirements of our customers.

    For Seafood Trading, It is imperative to establish ourselves in an efficient business facilitator, in the United States, through the management of our talented sales force, knowledgeable in logistics and procedures, whose main objective is to meet the needs of our customers through the efficient management of resources we can provide low marketing costs and make commitments to long and beneficial business relationships, all set in a trigger with high ethical, professional and fair competition.

  • Vision
  • Being innovators in the marketing of the best seafood, looking to differentiate, not only by the quality, but by providing our customers a steady development of our products and our business operations while maintaining the flexibility to accommodate changes market and seize new opportunities that are the seeds of growth.

    Promote, support, develop and realize the great commercial opportunities available today in the U.S., so that will generate growth integral to broad sectors of our society, with a high level of excellence supported by a qualified team, competitive, committed with a sense of belonging and responsibility, giving our customers confidence in Seafood Trading, to bring to fruition, the joint objectives.


    Headon cooked
    Raw Shell On
    Shrimp Skewers
    Breaded Shrimp

    Address: A2100 Salcedo Street
    Suite 300, Coral Gabies FL 3313A - USA
    E-mail: sales@seafood-trading.com